東大入試問題を中学英語で読む その2「動詞の前に主語がある!」

Why is the Mona Lisa the best-known painting in the entire world? A simple glimpse at even some of her features -- her silhouette, her eyes, perhaps just her hands -- brings instant recognition even to those who have no taste or passion for painting. Its commercial use in advertising far exceeds that of any other work of art.

glimpse=見ること silhouette=輪郭 recognition=認識


 --に囲まれているところは、( )と同じですから、それを取ってみましょう。「前置詞とそれに続く名詞はワンセットになって、説明の語群になる」ので、“at evensome”と“of her features”もいったんシカトしてみます。

 残るのは“A simple glimpse” (ちょっと見ること)しかありません。つまり、「ちょっと見ること」が「主語」で、何かを「持ってくる」のです。


Why is the Mona Lisa the best-known painting in the entire world? A simple glimpse at even some of her features -- her silhouette, her eyes, perhaps just her hands -- brings instant recognition even to those who have no taste or passion for painting. Its commercial use in advertising far exceeds that of any other work of art.
